Glued to your seat by staggeringly intense singing

Sharp, stunning, powerful, lyrical, spiritual, poetic, political, free.... Le Cri du Caire continues to draw attention wherever the group goes. As soon as you hear the first notes of Abdullah Miniawy's voice, you are glued to your seat like a log. Their work is an ultimate musical conversation between the saxophone playing of Peter Corser, the barock sound of Karsten Hochapfel's cello and Miniawy's poignant voice. As a young poet, singer and activist, Miniawy became the icon of a new guard of young Egyptians fighting for freedom and justice. After fighting for several years against the administration and censorship in Egypt, he moved to Paris where his current band members soon approached him to collaborate after witnessing his live energy. The group puts you in a mythical trance with Sufi singing, jazz and spoken word influences.