A: Scientist, B: Singer or C: Writer? 

If it’s up to Cassandra Onck the answer to this question will always be D: all of the above.
This once most-curious-girl-in-class discovered at a very young age that one learns the most important things in life simply by just doing them. Singing about the questions we do not pose in school, she embodies the connection between art and science. Her crisp Dutch lyrics form a loving way of fighting entrenched frameworks. Though inspired by hip-hop legends and chansonniers, she also used to devour scientific articles about neuroscience and philosophy. Indeed curious and creative as she is, she seeks beauty within our complex existence. Her powerful live show packed with music and poetry moves both your mind as well as your heart. At Explore the North festival she will perform work from her latest EP Fractalnoia (2023), a personal quest for a new grip on life after realising that the most important things in life are in fact not makeable.